Course Overview
Learner Objectives
Anatomy of a Lawsuit
Understand how cases are evaluated by the other side
Understand why it matters to you
Discuss methods of lawsuit prevention
Know what to do in the course of defending yourself
Anesthesia for Cancer Related Surgery
What’s the CRNAs Responsibility?
Discuss particular anesthetics and anesthetic adjuncts that may enhance the probability of breast tumor metastasis
Recall environmental factors that may play a role in the metastasis of primary tumors
Demonstrate understanding regarding potential implications that future prospective double-blinded studies may have on type of anesthesia
There is a Fracture
List three patient populations in which regional anesthesia may be contraindicated
Identify two clinical findings found in patients who have developed acute compartment syndrome
Define “Double Crush Syndrome”
Summarize neural injuries associated with “high-risk” fractures
Acute Pain Service Construction
Define an acute pain service (APS)
Discuss the benefits of an APS
List the major stakeholders of an APS
Summarize the roles of each department of which an APS consists
Explain how best to educate the departments with an APS
Lower Extremity Blocks: A Perioperative Pain Management Perspective
Discuss the perioperative pain management approach for a Total Knee Arthroplasty
Discuss the perioperative pain management approach for a Hip Fracture
Be able to identify the anatomy associated with USGRA lower extremity nerve blocks (Abductor, iPack, and Fascia Iliaca)
Current Trends in Multimodal Anesthesia
Discuss those components of multimodal analgesia that have been proven to be highly efficacious
Recall the four Multimodal Targets
Demonstrate understanding of how Multimodal agents are to be utilized perioperatively
Preventing Neural Injury
Describe mechanisms of neural injury
Describe available technology that may prevent neural injury
Define regional anesthesia practices that improve patient success and decrease the probability of morbidity
Scanning Basics
Discuss the physics and principles of sound
Review Sound Tissue Interaction
Relate scanning techniques to image optimization
Describe common artifacts and complications
Ultrasound Guided Truncal Blocks: A Perioperative Pain Management Perspective
Understand the implications of uncontrolled acute postsurgical pain
Discuss the opioid epidemic and understand the role of the CRNA in preventing new chronic opioid use disorders
Discuss the perioperative pain management approach for a breast cancer surgery patient
Discuss the perioperative pain management approach for a colorectal cancer surgery patient
USGRA Upper Extremity
Describe the anatomy brachial plexus
Compare techniques for providing conduction blockade of brachial plexus
Identify complications of brachial plexus blocks